The Alvin E. Williams Gallery is a portrait of Pastor Williams’ legacy as a philanthropist and humanitarian.

He was a champion for poor and underprivileged people. This online exhibition will feature clothing, gifts and artifacts about the life of Pastor Williams under the supervision of his son Pastor James Williams.

The Alvin E. Williams Memorial
The Alvin E. Williams Memorial

These are some of Pastor Williams’ clothing and shoes. He would often testify of God’s goodness and blessings that he bestowed upon him. He would mention that when he first started going to church his shoes had holes in them and only one suit to wear. His wife, Mother Juanita Williams, would tape up the soles of his shoes with duct tape. But God blessed him and changed his life.

Later in his life he would become known for his elegance and debonair style throughout TN as well as the jurisdiction. He was often called the “best dressed man in TN.”

The Alvin E. Williams Memorial